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Lisa Burt

Training Solutions Architect

With 10 years’ experience within the apprenticeship and training sector I’m committed to helping the businesses grow through the apprenticeship scheme. I pride myself on ensuring I provide the right candidate, support, and communication throughout the apprenticeship.

I’m passionate about learning and development and love to share best practices to ensure both employers and apprentices have an exceptional journey. I am excited to take on new challenges as I continue to grow my career in this field. The work environment at SERT is amazing, the people have been very welcoming, and I already feel part of the family. One tip I would give to someone looking to work at SERT would be to do it, it would be the best move you could make!

Outside of work, I have a passion for fitness; both weights and running and am that crazy person that rises at 5am to get it done. 

My Blogs

With recent exposure to the utilities and energy sectors, it is clear that a cohesive strategy needs to be put in place or a patchwork of skills provision will hamper net zero ambitions. #skills #apprenticeships #energy #utilities #ukgovernment
As the demand for qualified engineers in the plumbing and heating industry continues to grow, it is important to consider the quality of opportunities available to future professionals. Unfortunately, the number of engineers leaving the industry is greater than the rate at which we train new talent....