
Dual Fuel Engineer / Smart Meter Installer

Full Time
Utilities and Green Energy, SMART Meter
£41,000 + £3,000 Annual Bonus

Job description

  • Locations: BR, DA, SE, KT, SW, IV, KW, PH, CR, GU, RH, SM, TN, TW, BN, PO, SO, BA, GL, OX, RG, SN, SL, BS, PL, TR
  • 2k london weighting (total £41k)

  • £3,000 annual bonus, split £250 per month (will lose 33% if off sick, lose 33% if didn’t hit 80% completion rate, lose it all if major audit fail)
  • Maximum workload 4 duals or equivalent meters per day
  • No out of hours, no weekend work as compulsory

  • Overtime day rate available for Saturday £250 (optional)
  • 22 days holiday plus bank holidays
  • Pension
  • Van, tools, uniform and mobile phone provided
  • Start date: 20th January 2025

Jacob Simmons

Recruitment Consultant

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