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Ben Knight

Chief Operating Officer

With 18 years’ experience, I have been actively involved in strategic and operational financial planning for a number of organisations.

I have supported sales teams with budgeting and forecasting, commercial modelling of bespoke solutions and maximising the performance of key accounts. I provide insightful and impactful information and reports to drive improved performance.

I thoroughly enjoy every day here. There have been lots of challenging days, but they are outweighed by the number of great days! We have great people here and that is absolutely the best thing about our company. 

So many funny things have happened over the last 18 months, particularly at the social events at Goodwood, Go-Karting and the Christmas party. But every day in the office is good fun – we have a great team here and together we achieve so much.

My Blogs

Recruitment Sector - A Tale of 2 Halves Despite the dramatic impact of Covid, funding is not an obstacle for recruitment companies wanting to do deals, “with a wall of cash waiting to be spent”.