Retrofit Assessor

Full Time
retrofit-academy-hampshire, Retrofit Jobs
up to £40k/annum

Job description

Are you/do you have the following?
✅ Based around (or able to work in) the Midlands?
ECMK accredited
✅ Able to complete intrusive surveys
✅ Completed tech survey paperwork for an ECO contract
✅ A valid UK driving license

If you answered yes to all of the above, I have the perfect role for you!

A full-time PAYE role in an evergrowing company with a salary of up to £40k is available for the right candidate.

If this role isn't for you, but you know someone who may be interested, pass over their details and if they successfully get placed, we will provide a referral fee!

Reach out now:
☎  01489669791

Archie Burt

The Retrofit Recruiter

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