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Periodic Inspection Training in Hampshire

Taught over three days, this course will cover the requirements and processes for carrying out an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR), our equivalent of a landlord safety check.

Course content will include:

  • Differences in testing procedures
  • Coding various faults
  • Theoretical requirements
  • Sampling
  • Extent and limitations
  • Completion of condition reports

Our experienced trainers and assessors are ready and available throughout to provide you with support. By the end of this course you will be confident in your ability to carry out an EICR, and have the certificates to prove it.

At SERT we pride ourselves in a quick turnaround with our awarding body. We assure no delays in the delivery of your course certification.

It is expected that any candidate taking this course will already be familiar with initial verification. We teach this qualification both in a separate course and in a course combined with periodic inspection, which is better value for money.

You should also have at least two years of experience before attending, and have either an NVQ or LCL diploma. 

Our electrotechnical training centre is based in Hampshire.

SERT's specialist Divisions

Public Sector

Resourcing solutions within Defence, Professional Services and Education.


Utilities and Green Energy

Mobilising workforces that install, maintain, and manage the UK's current and future infrastructure.

The Retrofit Academy - Hampshire

The Retrofit Academy (TRA) and workforce solutions and training specialist, SERT Training have established an exclusive partnership to launch The Retrofit Academy Hampshire. Find out more about training and career opportunities within the retrofit industries here!