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Domestic Gas ACS Courses in Southampton

An ACS core gas course is licensed under the Nationally Accredited Certification Scheme, providing a mandatory qualification while also acting as a foundation for several bolt-on courses which cannot be accessed without core ACS completion.

All gas engineers must be approved by the Gas Safe Register to operate legally in the UK. To become Gas Safe Registered, applicants must demonstrate their competence with valid ACS qualifications.

These core qualifications must be renewed every 5 years to ensure all practicing gas engineers are aware of current legislation and best practices.

SERT have delivered ACS renewals since 2019 with an ear to the market, tailoring our service to meet both industry requirements and domestic business preferences.

Core Qualifications

We offer the following core ACS qualifications:

  • CCN1 – core domestic gas safety (CPA1 now included)
  • CMA1/CMA3 – domestic gas meters

CCN1 allows you to bolt on domestic appliances, such as:

  • CENWAT – central heating boilers and water heaters
  • CKR1 – gas cookers
  • HTR1 – gas fires
  • DAH1 – domestic gas fired ducted air heaters
  • MET1 – exchange, installation and removal of gas meters
  • MET4 – gas meters up to 40 cubic metres per hour
  • REGT1 – exchange and commission medium pressure regulators

CMA1/CMA3 allows you to bolt on domestic appliances, such as:

  • MET1 – exchange, installation and removal of gas meters
  • MET4 – gas meters up to 40 cubic metres per hour
  • REGT1 – exchange and commission medium pressure regulators


Initial and Refresher Courses

An initial ACS assessment is the final training and assessment stage for a new-entry gas engineer through either their Diploma or Apprenticeship. Candidates whose qualifications have lapsed for more than 6-months will also have to take the initial assessment.

With our renewal assessments and refresher training courses, those already possessing an in-date ACS core qualification have the option to renew it before the end of its five-year eligibility period.

SERT initial ACS assessments are delivered over 5 days (depending on the skill level of the candidate), while our renewal and refresher courses are delivered over 3 days.

Both courses are held at our training centre in Woolston, Southampton. Experienced trainers will ensure strong foundational knowledge, further enhanced by hands on experience with simulated scenarios.


SERT's specialist Divisions

Public Sector

Resourcing solutions within Defence, Professional Services and Education.


Utilities and Green Energy

Mobilising workforces that install, maintain, and manage the UK's current and future infrastructure.

The Retrofit Academy - Hampshire

The Retrofit Academy (TRA) and workforce solutions and training specialist, SERT Training have established an exclusive partnership to launch The Retrofit Academy Hampshire. Find out more about training and career opportunities within the retrofit industries here!