
Air source / Unvented & Water Regulations upskill course

Utilities and Green Energy, Utilities

Job description

Discover an exciting opportunity to enhance your skills with SERT's 9-day air source heat pump course! Situated at our Head Office in Whiteley, Hampshire, this comprehensive course covers ASHP (OFT21-504A), Unvented systems, and Water Regulations.

Our courses are Cert-tain & OFTEC accredited, ensuring you receive top-notch training.

To qualify, you must hold CCN1 or NVQ in plumbing, be 19 years old or above, and have the ability to travel to Whiteley.

Join the ranks of the 220 learners who have been successfully trained by SERT over the past 9 months. We are excited to announce the availability of 75 spots for May starts on this fully funded £4,000 course!

Get in touch with for further information and secure your place on this course. Let's create a brighter future together!

Mark Edwards

Group Chief Executive Officer

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Air source / Unvented & Water Regulations upskill course

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