Project Manager

Full Time
Twyford, Winchester
Public Sector, Defence
up to £52,000/annum

Job description

As a project manager, you will be responsible for the delivery of projects for the client. This will include, project management, scheduling, cost control, resourcing & resource management, procurement and project quality assurance. Responsibilities will encompass all processes within the company from the tendering stage to delivery through management of budgets, management of teams, technical requirements, planning and project reporting.

Main Responsibilities and Duties:

  • Manage engineering, design and Turn Key projects.
  • Manage all project functions including design, engineering, procurement, sub-contracted manufacture, build, testing and installation.
  • Monitor and control projects to ensure they are delivered to budget and programme.
  • Internal and client project reporting.
  • Manage sub-contracts for manufacturing, fabrication and specialist services.
  • Manage preparation and maintenance of Lifetime Quality Records to required standards.
  • Understand and manage all risks associated with projects.
  • Ensuring project forecast reports and plans are in accordance with company processes and procedures.
  • Prepare resourced programmes and work plans to accomplishing project.
  • Management of allocated resources to project phases.
  • Direct and coordinate activities of project personnel to ensure project progresses on schedule and within prescribed budget.
  • Support engineers with technical advice to resolve problems.
  • Responsible for overall quality and management of projects and programs.
  • Manage budget and ensure financial accountability on nominated projects.
  • Recognise and solve potential problems and evaluate project/program effectiveness.
  • Support the Project Director networking with local, state and national agencies for future program development.
About you…
  • You will be able to achieve SC vetting level.
  • You will be chartered or have a degree in an eingeering or project management discipline.
  • You will have extensive project & programme management experience.
  • Experience of working within a heavily regulated industry (e.g. nuclear, defence, rail, food, etc.) in project activities will be highly valued.
  • You will have strong organisational and management capabilities.
  • You will have excellent communication and reporting skills.
  • Experience of working with Protectively Marked Information would be an advantage.
Interested? Apply to find out more!

Mark Edwards

Group Chief Executive Officer

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